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Japanese Ulzzang/Himegyaru Hairstyles

4 Dec



sorry if it’s sort of hard to see and follow the steps. I had to shrink it down to fit the page :/

Ulzzang/Himegyaru Make-Up #2 & Tips

30 Jul

For the people who enjoyed the other pictures 🙂


I would say this is a more natural eye look, compared to the girl in my first post.





The directions for the application of these looks appear quite hard, so I like to use them for inspiration too.


Requested: Mike’s Hair in “Fight For You” MV

9 Feb

Since I couldn’t get a really good look at his hair since he was dancing so much, so I googled it.

These are the images that I’m going to be using:

He’s on the left.

Now He’s on the Right.

…. And about 10 seconds from the MV.


Sorry if this turns out bad you guys. I’m just winging it!



Items needed:

hair wax/clay. Ex: Garnier Frutis, Sebastian Crude Clay.




Volumizing spray/mousse. (OPTIONAL.)

Short hair. Layered hair that goes to about your neck.


1.) Shower. Then towel dry your hair.


**Apply some volumizing spray/mousse to your roots. Read the back of the bottle to see if you apply it with damp or dry hair. 

2.When it’s halfway dry, blowdry your hair with your head facing your knees( bending over), and make the blowdryer face down and towards your  face.

3.) next, flat iron your hair, but only from the second half of your hair. Don’t Straighten your roots.)

4.) After that, use the wax/clay and apply to back of head, giving it a toussled apperance.

5.) Apply some on your bangs and the hair framing your face, making then go forward and make them “defined”…spikes. (refer back to picture.)

AND that’s basically it.

:T Sorry you guys. Like I said, I just winged it. 🙂 Hope you guys liked it!

Ulzzang/ Himegyaru Make-Up

9 Feb

This is sort of an updated post to the Ulzzang post that I posted up earlier.


So I’ve found a site where they have pages from Japanese magazine teaching you how to do your make-up like the models!~ :3

-______- Don’t click on the stupid ads.


Here’s one:


^____^ Enjoy! I like to look at that site for fashion ideas also.~

A Few Simple Tips & Tricks For Shopping

11 Oct

Just a quick post with a few tips. Some might be already known, but some might not be to some people.

Shopping. Of course every person likes to shop, but one major downer is the action of actually paying. You feel the sadness creep onto you as you hand over that wad of cash for a simple shirt or article of clothing, and of course our economic troubles today aren’t helping much either. So how to save a couple bucks here and there? This is for you big spenders out there too! A little could save up to a lot!

Tip 1: Sign up at the online sites! All you need is your E-Mail address! How easy is that!?!?! Every week or so, they’ll send you these codes to shop online! Sometimes they send awesome things for “exclusive” members. Ex: American Eagle is having a special for their e-mail “fans”. They are having this poll thing where all you ahve to do is do a few surveys each day and each survey will give you around 10 points, and when you reach 450 points you get a 50$ American Eagle Gift Card!

Tip 2: Before you act on an impulse and buy something, TRY IT ON. As you try it on, EXAMINE! Check the length, comfiness, and fit! I’ve been through this before you guys&gals, so trust me! Just go into the changing room and try them on. Easy as that.

Tip 3: Before you decide that you definitely NEEEED NEEED those new pair of shoes, shirt, etc., check online. Check all of the clothing stores that you know and then some more, because the fashion styles nowadays are all very similar. One pair of shoes might be $100 somewhere and $30 somewhere else! Research before action!

Tip 4: For you skinny jean lovers, here’s a tip on how to get very cheap “skinny jeans”. Buy Flare jeans (not super flare) and then bring them to the tailor. Flare jeans are A LOT cheaper then skinny jeans, and even when you DO decide to tailor them, they will most likely still have made you waste less money. ^______^

Tip 5: Quality before Cheapness. Even if you do see the same replica of your favorite outfit, be sure to check the quality of the fabric. Sometimes companies actually make their clothing more expensive because of their superb clothing quality. Also, be sure to check the tag and compare materials that were used to make article of clothing.

Tip 6: If you are going to follow Tip 5, but absolutely CANNOT afford it, then do the next best thing. Either wait for it to go on sale, and even if then it’s still expensive, clearance! If that doesn’t work, then go to department stores such as Macy’s, Marshalls, T.J Maxx, or even Ross! They carry brands such as Juicy Couture and Ralph Lauren, but at a much cheaper price.

Tip 7: If you just simply need a fitted tee, but they might be a little more costly then regular tees, buy the regular tee and sew it in! This would only work if you can sew. I wouldn’t recommend bringing it to the tailors and asking them to do it, because the cost of fixing it would most likely be as much as the cost of the tee itself.